V.I.P. advantages

The V.I.P. CARNET contains detailed resumes of the expertise we have at our disposal. Through this privileged access, our clients can explore our competencies independently and remain on the lookout for new professionals who can meet the needs of their projects.

Secured area

To give a minimum of confidentiality to the information of our professionals, only our customers and our partners with an ACCESS CARD OR CODE obtained from us can access the secure area.

Accès plus ouvert aux CV

Scan your access card for direct access to the secure portion of our platform.

For access without a card, go to the regular logbook and look for the “Connect to the V.I.P. zone” button (1). Use the password (2) that you obtained in the field provided for this purpose.



Once the field is turned green with the word “Welcome”, you will see the same records as in the regular book… The difference is that now, when you select a record, the person’s CV appears.