How it works

Legend of the Notebook

We have created this booklet so that our customers and partners can access independently to the descriptive files of our professionals and those interested in joining our team. In this way, the client has the possibility to see for themselves the extent of the company’s capabilities and to submit their mandates to us with confidence.

A privileged access to the complete CV of our team is granted to some of our partners…

The 4 reports of the descriptive sheets

By clicking on the short description sheets, you will have a summary presentation of our professionals. If you are in V.I.P access mode, a secure area is available to you to access the Curriculum Vitae.

Here are the 4 types of cards that you will find in the Pulsar notebook:

54 Xe Xenon
Energy inventor

Wayne Szalinski

18 years of experience
- Design of a laser beam
- Shrinking of objects
- Magnification of objects
- Craft design
- Tenacious and ambitious
Available since 1990

The SKY BLUE SHEETS are the members of our active team available to take on mandates and projects.

Some have certain constraints so it is better to ask us for details according to each one before making decisions.

119 Ts Tesseract
AI Engineer / Entrepreneur

Tony Stark

23 years of experience
- Weapons manufacturer
- Armor design
- Artificial intelligence
- Save the world
Not available...

GREY SHEETS are our team members who are not available at this time. That doesn’t mean we don’t have access to their expertise when needed!

Stay tuned! When an item is to free up time, we write the date at the bottom of these sheets and share the news in a newsletter.

Image par defaut des candidatures
0 ? Mystery
Robotics Engineer / Chemist

Confidential name

32 years of experience
- Built flying robot (Weebo)
- Invented live green glue
- Energy concentrator
- Transformer flying machine
- Strategic Designer
La Baie
Potential element...

The BLUE ANONYMOUS FILES are the candidates who have aroused our interest or who have applied with us. They have expressed a mutual interest to our team without reserving themselves. These professionals remain on the list until our activities require their expertise.

In order to preserve our book of these good elements, we keep their identity confidential.

0 ? Mystery
Engineer & Programmer

Otto Octavius

2020 UQAC Graduate
- Tentacle harness
- Handling of radioactivity
- Telepathic control
- Strategic planning
- Octobot creation
Search for an internship

The GREEN SHEETS are for those who are looking for internships or want to work part-time during their studies.

We have all been graduates! Let’s give the next generation a chance to prove themselves.